
For Organisations

This is your opportunity to engage professional fully qualified (Level 6 minimum), qualified career management and employment services from experts.  We do not dilute our expertise by dipping into other areas of health or social need. 

 *  We offer your organisation bespoke packages to meet the  needs of a small cohort of veterans (6-12 veterans)

 *  We offer 1:1 sessions for your veterans that will focus on career guidance, management and job seeking.

 *  We will use evidenced based measures for your impact reporting.

We can either provide a venue, or we will come to yours.

We can assist with the careers/employment element of your funding bid.

For Individuals

If you are unsure how you want civvy life to pan out, but you know that work - employed or self employed, or even education is the route you want, then you need support from a qualified careers practitioner.

We provide you with the tools that you will need to know yourself, understand the relationship between personality, your career clusters, what your strengths are and where your skills lie.  

In addition, we will add to your tool kit, the practical skills you need to write your CV, add a powerful cover letter to it.  To understand what LMI means to you in the area you live in and even where specific opportunities are.  We will help you to set up your own LinkedIn account and manage it to increase your reach across your sector and build your own connections. 

We will prepare you for the application process and interview process and build your confidence.   You will commit to learning and adapting to new ways of thinking and putting all your tools into practice.

We will provide you with a bespoke package to suit your needs.


All Call Signs...

Leaving military service is a tough call.  As someone who has served in the military, I can appreciate the range of emotions you experienced as you left the service. sorting yourself out with a career in civvy street isn't easy.  Who better to help than one of our own with the skills, qualifications and expertise? 

You are eligible for professional careers support and Lancashire Careers Company CIC is here to help you achieve that!

A sample of what we offer

Career Coaching

Career coaching begins with you getting to know you and what makes you tick.  I will help you to discover what that is and how you might translate that into a new career.

Job Search Support

How to job search effectively is a skill that you can be shown and that you will be able to use for the rest of your life. Yes, there is always a hidden job market, but there is also a plethora of opportunities in full sight.  Let me show you how to find them!


The veteran network is alive and kicking and it isn't in just the careers that you might typically expect.  The ability to network and promote yourself is a really important tool in your kit.  From formal and informal face to face events and managing your presence on LinkedIn and other social media are skills you will need.

What's Your Next Step?

Take a look at an example of what jobs in the UK will bring in as an annual salary

Book a Free Career Conversation

Book your free consultation. All I need are a few details. I look forward to seeing you soon.